Help Stop the Spread of Viruses and EMail Hoaxes.
(become part of the solution -- don't be part of the problem)


Hoaxes, scams, spam email and real computer viruses make computing difficult and ultimately threaten the free growth of internet resources.  It's sometimes a reflex to simply open that attachment or forward that heart wrenching appeal -- ALWAYS received from someone you trust!

But the bandwidth is already too full of garbage, and if each one of us takes the few minutes to think before we click, we can make a big dent in the amount that's floating around.  Think of it as an "adopt a highway" program for the information superhighway!

Don't open email attachments, especially those ending in .VBX , .EXE, or .COM unless you've run them through a good, updated virus checker.  Sometimes the real extender of an attachment is hidden behind an extra dot, like:  picture.jpg.exe, laid out so that it looks as if the attachment is a (typically benign) .JPG graphic, but really it's a virus.

The link(s) below provide reasonably reliable sources from which to check out the validity of virus or other hoaxes. When you get an email that threatens about a virus, or puts a strong emotional appeal out to you, ESPECIALLY the ones that say that they're not hoaxes or jokes, often they are -- check them through these resources: 

(if you follow these links, you'll need to use your browser's BACK button to return to our site)